Tuesday 22 October 2024

All you can eat

I'm not one of those people who goes crazy at the sight of a buffet and piles my plate with as much food as possible to "get my money's worth". I don't abuse my stomach. But it seems some people don't know when to stop.

Some restaurants and hotels are concerned at the amount of food some people are grabbing, especially when they don't eat it all and leave half of it on their plate.

Mark Graham, landlord of the Star Inn in Penzance, Cornwall, now charges £2.40 a person for buffet "excess leftovers". A few spuds is obviously no problem, he told a customer who complained, but buffet behaviour was out of control, citing a plate "piled so high you could put a ladder and a flag on top of it."

When Jenny and I stay at the Premier Inn, we always opt for their buffet breakfast and have a generous amount of cold and cooked food to set us up for the day's wanderings. But we don't take more than we need.

Surely those people who leave half their food must realise they're taking far too much, so why do they do it?

Do they imagine they're in some kind of eating contest? Are they trying to get a bigger and better paunch? Is it some kind of comfort eating? I don't get it.

Careful how you eat. A Liverpool woman dislocated her jaw trying to eat a triple burger


  1. We generally don’t have buffets around anymore, except in Vegas. But I didn’t think about the ‘free’ breakfasts that some hotels offer. I’ve never noticed people overdoing that, probably because the food is never that good!

    1. Bijoux: Interesting that you don't generally have buffets in the States. They're very common here, not only at hotels but for events like conferences.

  2. I don't think there are many, or any, buffets here anymore, either. I never cared for the food so they weren't my choice in dining. As far as why people do stupid or greedy things.....that's a question for the ages.

    1. Sandra: No, the food at buffets is usually of low quality, so it's surprising they're still so popular.
