Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Frail and doddery

There's a plethora of stereotypes about older people, most of which are nonsense - or at least they apply to some oldies but not to others. For example:

  • We're dripping with wealth
  • We're frail and doddery
  • We're overwhelming the NHS
  • We don't like young people
  • We're living in the past
  • We're intolerant right-wingers
  • We're terrified we'll be mugged - or burgled
  • We drone on about our medical problems
Well, let me see now. How many of these stereotypes apply to myself?

  • Dripping with wealth? I'm well-off but not wealthy
  • Frail and doddery? Not yet. Still pretty healthy
  • Overwhelming the NHS? I hardly ever need a doctor
  • Don't like young people? Only if they're stupid or nasty
  • Living in the past? I've been on the internet for decades
  • Intolerant right-winger? I'm a dyed-in-the-wool leftie
  • Terrified I'll be mugged? Not in this low-crime neighbourhood
  • Medical droning? I never mention my health issues to others
Stereotypes are just that, aren't they? One-sided clichés that never give you the full picture of anything. Stereotypes of young people are just as one-sided and incomplete as the stereotypes of oldies.

The stereotype that really annoys me is the idea that we oldies are overwhelming the NHS. If the NHS was properly funded, properly staffed, and properly equipped with up-to-date machines and technology, then it would cope very well, oldies and all.

Well, we can dream....


  1. The only stereotype that I notice to be true is the constant talk of medical problems. My friends began doing it in their 50's and while I'm empathetic, it gets old quickly.

    1. Bijoux: Yes, we're old, yes, we have a few health issues. And now for something more interesting....

  2. Some folks just drone on -- and on and on and on. Any subject, their version. I tend to wander off.

    1. Joanne: A sensible response. Some people just like the sound of their own voices.

  3. My dad called those medical dronings "organ concerts".

  4. I have some friends who are very poorly right now. I think they do their best not to drone on.
    To be fair, getting older is sometimes like watching some awful horror film!

    1. Ms Scarlet: If you have some really serious illness, it seems fair enough to talk about it.

  5. Age hit me four years ago. I will complain at times, how can I not? Drone on, I hope not. Otherwise, none of that fits me.

    1. Sandra: It's hard not to talk about things that are very much on your mind. But of course other people have different concerns.
