Thursday, 28 November 2024

Surprise surprise

Do you like surprises or do you find them awkward and embarrassing?

How do you feel about surprise workplace leaving dos, surprise birthday parties, surprise outings, surprise promotions - or surprise anything else?

For me it rather depends on the particular surprise. When I left my last workplace, there was a surprise farewell, with people saying I'd done a good job and handing me a generous gift voucher. I was very embarrassed, didn't know quite how to respond, and stumbled through a clumsy thank-you.

I've never had a surprise birthday party, but I imagine I would be equally embarrassed if I walked into one. So much fuss over such a prosaic event!

I'm okay with surprise outings - as long as it's not to a boxing match or a battery chicken plant. And I'm all in favour of surprise promotions - not that I ever received one!

But in general I don't like things being sprung on me, especially when I had other plans that I have to abandon. I like to know what's coming, which maybe sounds a bit rigid but that's the way I am.

I guess my upbringing has something to do with it. There were seldom any big surprises in my family, as none of us was keen on them.

I guess the biggest surprise in my life was meeting Jenny and finding we got on like a house on fire. That was one surprise I was very happy with. The covid epidemic was another big surprise, one I could have done without.

What other surprises are waiting in the wings, I wonder?


  1. Peace on Earth would be a huge surprise, wouldn't it? I'd quite like it if that happened.
    Mostly, I agree with you, Nick, it all depends on what sort of surprise it is.

    1. Ms Scarlet: Peace on earth would be a lovely surprise. Unfortunately too many people like a bit of violence and bloodshed.

  2. It can be awkward but these surprises (parties) are given with the best intentions, so I’m grateful.

    1. Bijoux: Yes, I'm sure people have the best intentions, but they may not have considered how awkward and ill-at-ease the recipient may feel.

  3. I loathe surprises....luckily friends know that!

    1. Helen: A good job your friends are clued-up!

  4. I've never had a surprise party. Surprises in general, it really depends. Some are very welcome.

    1. Sandra: Yes, I find some surprises are very welcome, but others not at all.

  5. Sometimes surprises are fun but for the most part I like to know when something is about to happen.

    1. Mary: Me too. I like to know what's coming.

  6. I've had a few surprise events and I'm sure my reaction was never what people hoped for. I've also learnt that the plannig has to be absolutely fool proof or the whole thing will collapse.
    No, I'd rather know about the event, know how to dress, how to prepare and be able to be gracious instead of weird and shocked

    1. Kylie: Yes indeed, the ability to be gracious rather than weird and shocked. If you're going to spring a surprise on someone, you need to be very sure they'll appreciate the surprise.
