If you don't know the person that well, there's something a bit wrong with you. You're not really compatible, you're not in tune with each other.
Well, that degree of familiarity may be true of some people, but it certainly isn't true of Jenny and me. I can't be sure of her reactions, I don't always know what she's thinking, I doubt if I know her deepest secrets, and I don't always know what's behind the public persona.
That's not because we aren't compatible, it's simply because we're very different people and we're constantly surprised by each other.
So what's wrong with being surprised by each other? It makes life more interesting. It means we have complex characters that always leave more to be explored and understood.
And does anyone really know their partner inside out? They might think they do, but we all have parts of our personality that we keep to ourselves, however upfront and candid we might seem to be.
How often do you hear people say that something their partner has done or said seems quite out of character, a bolt from the blue? So they didn't know their partner so well after all.
I'd like to know Jenny inside out, but is it actually possible?