Wednesday 23 March 2022


There's no agreed definition of success, is there? We all have different ideas of what success is and whether our own lives have been "successful" or not.

For one person, success could be a huge salary, an expensive car, a big house and lots of children. For another, it could just be staying solvent, managing to pay the bills, having some close friends and going on the odd outing.

For someone who's disabled, it could simply be getting out of bed in the morning, or being pain-free, or being treated courteously.

My own life may not have been "successful" in some people's eyes. They may say I've not been ambitious enough or pushy enough or making the most of my talents or abilities.

But as far as I'm concerned, I've had a very successful life. I've enjoyed all the jobs I've had, I've met lots of very interesting people, I've always had enough money to get by, and I've travelled all round the world.

That's more than enough for me. You can keep all the flashy and over-priced trappings of conventional success. You can keep all the luxury limos with their cocktail cabinets and wide-screen TVs. You can keep all the fancy awards and honours and decorations.

I admire people who're driven to amazing achievements, like Olympic champions or concert pianists or mountaineers, but I could never be that sort of person. I wouldn't have either the tenacity or the motivation. I'd rather linger over a tasty meal than clamber up a mountain. I'd rather stroke koala bears in Australia.


  1. Oh, I would love holding that koala! He looks so incredibly soft. I think if you’re happy, that’s the greatest success of all.

    1. Bijoux: Very true. As it happens, I'm very happy!

  2. I'm with you! To me, being successful is reaching retirement age with your sanity, sense of humor, and integrity intact.

    1. Colette: That's a good formula. I would say I meet those criteria. A sense of humour is especially important. I don't want to be one of those doom-and-gloom oldies!

  3. Bringing even a little smile in a person's face when life is difficult is for me the greatest success .
    For most of the people being successful means money and a big car, designer clothes and whatever you can buy. For me the would be an empty life.

    1. Hannah: It would have been an empty life for me too. There are so many people slogging away at jobs they don't enjoy, just to make piles of money they don't need.

  4. I did not make a fortune, but my work made me happy - and despite Leo's ill health we have a contented life together.
    Suddenly i can comment again....goodness only knows what the glitch was...

    1. Fly: Being happy in your work is important when you could be working for 40 or 50 years.

      I didn't realise you were unable to comment. No idea what was happening there.

  5. The people who are happy with themselves and their lives are really richer than others who may have wealth and luxuries but are miserable in spite of all. Nick, you have apparently had all you need in life and I suspect continue to do so. I too would like to pet a koala.

    1. Beatrice: Indeed. A therapist who has been consulted by many of the wealthy elite says they're just as screwed up as the rest of us ordinary mortals.

  6. In my view, drummed into me by by Spiritual Master success is to live in a way where one balances what is good and what is pleasant. Since my taking to study of this subject was quite early in my life, I have been, at least in my own opinion, quite successful. Add to this the influence that Viktor Frankl has had in my thinking since the late nineties, I think that I have lived quite well and what can be considered successfully.

    1. Ramana: You certainly seem to have the secret of a contented life. Your spiritual master has done a good job!

  7. Success is often defined by what we feel we need or are missing. Being older, I'm just happy to be where I am in life. But I have always had a competitive drive. My students called me a slave driver. lol, they were lucky, eh?

    1. Ann: I've never been at all competitive. I'm happy just to have enjoyed my life and worked with some lovely people.

  8. your thoughts on this echo my own Nick.
    and I would add that when I learned contentment was important... it helped my overall feeling of success!
    it was never about material things. the 'Desiderata' sums it up for me pretty well. I love the wisdom filled thoughts there that are so simple and beautiful. and... oh my! to pet or hold a koala! be still my heart! xo

    1. Tammy: I love the Desiderata. Just about everyone had a copy in the 1960s! Unfortunately materialism still has a tight grip on a lot of people, and status symbols are still keenly sought-after.

    2. Tammy: Did you know koalas are gradually dying out? There are currently less than 100,000 koalas left in the wild, possibly just 43,000 or so. And of course the bushfires have wiped out a lot of them. A terrible shame.

  9. You're not setting a very hihgh bar for disabled people!

    My idea of success is to be functional in society, do something worthwhile, raise good people , pay my bills and do things I enjoy.

    There are added extras I'd like but I'm living up to the basic goals

    1. Kylie: I guess I was thinking of my sister, who as you know is completely bed-ridden with very limited physical functioning.

      Being functional in society is important. There are people in high-flown positions who have deplorable social skills.

  10. Also, the biggest threat to koalas is development and land developers shockingly aim to reduce koala populations so that they don't have to be responsible for doing koala friendly development

    1. Kylie: Land developers are a menace wherever they go. The poor koalas are just doing their best to survive.

  11. Success is different for different people, that's true.

    1. Mary: What one person sees as a stunning success someone else might wonder what all the fuss is about.

  12. I guess success is what each of us view as such for ourselves.

    1. Joared: Indeed. Some people are actively repelled by the idea of grabbing as much money as possible and having a high-status lifestyle.
