Saturday 9 December 2023

Odds and sods

  • I won't leave any great achievements when I die. I shall simply vanish into the ether. I have no problem with that.
  • I'm used to doing things on my own. If other people are hovering, I get flustered (if they're hoovering I get even more flustered).
  • Most cats find me frightening. They rush off when they see me. But some cats are extra friendly and want lots of stroking.
  • I shouldn't judge by appearances but I do. I like to think I can suss someone out. Usually my assumptions are quite wrong.
  • Sometimes I have no patience whatever and get instantly exasperated. At other times I have boundless patience. There's no logic to it.
  • I'm not easily duped or scammed. I have a pretty acute shit-detector that alerts me fast. In fact I'm a bit too sceptical for my own good.
  • How handy it would be if toenails and fingernails stopped growing once they reached their normal size. Why do they keep growing??
  • Flying doesn't scare me. Planes are incredibly well-maintained and very safe. After all, the pilots and crew want to stay alive.
  • I may be six foot, but I don't feel tall unless I look in the mirror. I imagine I'm a similar height to other people.
  • I'm compulsively polite. I hate arguing with people, so I always try to smooth things over with some bland comments.
  • It's strange that I've never seen myself walking down the street. Do I have a funny walk? Do I look like an old codger?
  • If I try to do two things at once I just get confused. I have zero aptitude for multi-tasking.
  • I'm not a drama queen. When people turn some minor incident into a frantic uproar, I just stay calm and dignified.
(You might remember some of these from earlier posts)


  1. Quite a thorough self-summary.

    1. Colette: Not quite. There's a lot of things left out!

  2. My patience also comes and goes. Some days I’m totally zen, telling people to goin front of me in line (on queue, I believe you say). Other days, I’m extremely frustrated by lines and traffic.

    1. Bijoux: I get impatient when I go into a shop and the assistants are all chatting away and oblivious to my presence.

  3. Anonymous Fly...I'd never thought about how i look,going down the street, but i suppose it is a bit of an old lady shuffle.

  4. I recently caught sight in a mirror of myself walking and was appalled! I've since learned that I need to stop looking at the ground and look up; my posture immediately improved.

    1. Linda: I think I tend to be a bit hunched when I walk. I need to straighten up.

  5. We tend to think of people we like as fairly identical to ourselves. I once bought my best friend and myself identical shirts. Except hers resembled a dress. She is two or three inches shorter than I am.

    1. Joanne: You're right about seeing people as fairly identical to ourselves. I forget that I'm six inches taller than some people (like Jenny, who's five foot six)

  6. I have quite a bit of patience now that I'm older. I didn't when I was younger.

    1. Mary: Being older hasn't increased my patience, but as I say I'm patient about some things and totally impatient about others!
