There are still situations I have virtually no experience of, like dealing with someone's death, dealing with a terminal illness, looking after children, or coping with a serious financial setback. Even things I've experienced often can still leave me feeling inadequate and awkward, not quite sure if I'm meeting expectations or behaving correctly.
It's rarely that I'm comfortable enough with a situation to feel I'm handling it as a mature and grown-up person, someone who's fully in control of what's happening. More frequently I'm fumbling my way along, feeling more like a confused and ignorant child, hoping desperately that things will start to make sense and I'll know what I should be doing.
I'm sure most people feel like this from time to time, but it's not something we want to admit. We don't like people to think we're out of our depth - especially employers or tradespeople or for that matter our trusting children.
We've learnt to feign competence and authority and hide our hesitations and bewilderment. We project poise and nonchalance even when inside we're a bundle of nerves and looking frantically for an escape route.
Is it even possible to feel totally grown-up, or is that another myth, another illusion that doesn't actually apply in reality? Is there anyone who feels completely in command of their life, always knowing the right thing to do, always knowing what is required of them and feeling equal to the occasion? If they do, that's quite an achievement.
But me, I'm still an innocent abroad, Alice at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, forever hoping that tomorrow is the day I'll finally feel well and truly grown-up. It never is, though.