Friday, 17 January 2025

Shunning the jab

There's concern among health professionals at the declining take-up of vaccines, especially among young people. They're worried about the misinformation spread online exaggerating the risks of vaccines.

Some four per cent of the population resist vaccinations, either for themselves or for their kids. They're concerned about the safety or side effects of vaccinations, they think their child doesn't need protecting, or they believe vaccines are not very effective.

But many more people were kept alive by the covid vaccine than died, despite anti-vaxxers claiming that many people have suffered harmful after-effects.

Personally I've never suffered any serious after-effects from vaccines, and I've had loads of vaccinations in my 77 years on the planet - flu, shingles, tetanus, covid, and all the childhood vaccinations for things like measles, mumps and rubella.

But I know of people who've developed long covid, which is about two million people in the UK. Fit and healthy people have suddenly become bed-ridden and their lives have been drastically curtailed.

Long covid doesn't follow vaccination though, it only follows an acute covid infection. In fact a covid vaccination tends to limit a covid illness and prevent long covid. So refusing to have a vaccination is irrational.

Of course you can say that if I myself had developed long covid I wouldn't be so enthusiastic about vaccinations. Maybe so, but all I can say is that I was vaccinated and luckily I had only very minor after-effects.

Objecting to vaccinations seems like throwing out the baby with the bath water.


  1. Bit puzzled by this post. The people I know who have got Long Covid developed it AFTER they had had "actual" Covid, and not after they'd been vaccinated. There is some thinking around that conditions like Long Covid and ME may be related, and it sounds pretty complicated, way above my pay grade to understand, anyway!

    1. Jenny: It looks as if I misunderstood. I gather there's a link between getting acute covid and then getting long covid. So a covid vaccination could actually prevent long covid.

    2. Jenny: I've rewritten the post to correct my misunderstanding.

  2. Unfortunately, I think the Covid vaccine is where the vaccination program went downhill. It was pushed through quickly and we were told that it would prevent infection, which was completely untrue. They then backpedaled and said it would prevent serious complications, but it really only hurt those with preexisting conditions to begin with. I had 3 jabs and have had Covid twice and can assume I will keep getting Covid, much like the common cold. Even my doctor said there was no point in getting the booster shots yearly.

    1. Bijoux: ME is myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome. I was never told that a vaccination would prevent infection, only that it was protective.

  3. Rejection of vaccines is natural selection in action.
