Thursday 9 June 2022

So unnatural

It makes me laugh when people say that some activity or other is "unnatural", as if it's somehow totally perverted and bizarre.

Don't they realise that most of the things we do and most of the things we possess are "unnatural" - meaning they don't arise in nature but have been artificially created?

What's natural about plastic or mattresses or cars or violins or.... ? (I could trot out a very long list here). Our whole modern way of life is based not on nature but on hundreds of human inventions that have given us (or given most of us) comfortable, convenient lifestyles and all sorts of ingenious leisure pursuits.

Yet still there are those individuals who insist that homosexuality or talking in a foreign language* or men wearing dresses or women in high-powered jobs are "unnatural" and these deviant practices should stop.

The last thing I want is to be natural. I wouldn't fancy living in a mud hut in mid-winter foraging for food every day. I wouldn't fancy being without blogs or books or TV or newspapers. I wouldn't fancy catching all sorts of nasty diseases because of the lack of vaccinations and advanced medical treatment. Thanks but no thanks.

Predictably enough, activities that were seen as "unnatural" a few decades ago now seem totally normal, like homosexuality and same-sex marriage and women wearing trousers and men changing nappies.

Mind you, it's obviously unnatural not to possess a smart phone. I mean, how perverted is that?

*There have been several incidents on public transport where people have been told to stop speaking a foreign language. If they don't comply, they get physically attacked. Pure xenophobia.


  1. Ramana Rajgopaul9 June 2022 at 12:28

    Whatever one does voluntarily, instinctively or even automatically is natural for that person. Society has come up with what should be and there lies the problem. The individual is unimportant but, the society's norms the deciding factor.

  2. Ramana: I'm not sure that any of our actions are voluntary, instinctive or automatic. So much of what we do is influenced by our upbringing, our education, our friends and all sorts of prior experiences and encounters.

  3. Speaking a foreign language is unnatural to some people??? That’s a new one to me!

    1. Bijoux: There have been several incidents on public transport where people have been told to stop speaking a foreign language. If they don't comply, they get physically attacked. I trace this back to Brexit and the campaign against immigrants.

  4. You neglected to mention religiosity which is a huge component of what's considered "natural." One of my daughters quit being a deacon in the church and religion itself when the priest told her her lesbian sister was "unnatural."

    1. www: Yes, religions are fond of condemning things as "unnatural". Homosexuality in particular.

  5. I am of the thought to let people do what they want as long as it's not hurting anyone (that doesn't want to be hurt ;))

    1. Mary: I agree with you. The important thing is not to hurt anyone.

  6. I must say I am happier to be without most of the silly taboos I read about in the past. There again we have our own, which are equally silly, I suppose!

    1. Jenny: I'm sure there are modern-day equivalents. Body hair on a woman is still seen as "unnatural" by some.

  7. I have four LGBQT+ grandchildren. Talk about unsolicited opinions!

    1. Joanne: Goodness. Gay or trans? That's quite a tally of "outliers".

  8. Stupidity reigns the world. I wonder why people have nothing else to do than bother other persons. Diversity is so interesting if we only take the time to.listen and learn
    I'm nearly 76 and still eager to open wide my eyes and my mind.

    1. Hannah: Exactly, diversity is interesting and stimulating. Why try to crush it, if it isn't doing anyone any harm? And I'm 75 by the way.

    2. You sound so young.

    3. Hannah: Not the first time I've heard that!

  9. I've always felt people should live the lives they desire. LGBT folks have always been. They just have the freedom today to live in the open. One of the saddest stories I read was about an early Massachusetts's colonist who was born intersex. He was fired from a job for having sex with a slave and she dressed as a woman when begging for food for her cats. Talk about a tough life and I used both sex pronouns on purpose.

    But indeed I am a pessimist. The world will just find something new to hassle anyone who is not part of the norm.

    1. Ann: Indeed, bullies will always find someone new to victimise. All we can do is resolve not to be a bully ourselves.

  10. your response to Ann there is spot on.
    and why is it so hard to just be Kind to each other?
    it's as if everyone has to fit into whatever 'slot' is deemed popular or appropriate. and if they don't they are ostracized or persecuted. down through the ages it has been that way. it's truly tiresome.

    1. Tammy: Yes, why can't people just be kind to one another? What on earth do they get from spewing out hatred?

  11. I've always found it so ridiculous that a person gets upset when someone speaks a language other than the one that person speaks. The more languages a person can speak the better. I'm more interested in how we can communicate with each other if we don't share a similar language.

    As for other differences in people, that's one thing that makes life interesting. How boring when we're all the same.

    1. Joared: Surely if someone is speaking a foreign language it shows that they like your country enough to come and visit - or even settle. Isn't that a good sign?
