Saturday, 9 February 2008

Pricilla's dilemma

Grannymar has tagged me for a meme devised by Jefferson Davis. Being perverse as usual, I've turned it into my own meme, one of those continuous stories. It's about Pricilla.

What Grannymar knows: Pricilla is caring, obliging, loyal and giving - as long as she approves of you and gets what she wants. She is an intellectual with a thirst for knowledge, but also snobbish and keen on manners and good taste. She is possessive, jealous and exclusive and tries to dominate others with her originality and cleverness.

And now - what Nick knows: Tall and thin, with blue eyes and blonde hair, Pricilla is Director of the Stage Door Theatre Company and adores Samuel Beckett. She is heavily involved with an actor in the company, Matthew. She finds him stunningly handsome and sexy, but he is from a solidly working-class background and constantly makes fun of her accent and posh middle-class roots.

He says it's just playful teasing, but she feels increasingly annoyed and hurt and it's starting to affect her self-confidence. Although she loves him madly, she is wondering if she will have to end their relationship if his behaviour continues. She is kept awake at night by her anger and misgivings, but she just can't decide what to do.

I'm sure Hullaballoo, as one of her oldest friends, will be able to take up the story. And I expect my other readers will have some ideas....


  1. Nick I love this idea and how you have developed the story. I will follow with great interest.

  2. Thanks, G, glad you like it. This story could run and run - how will this problem be resolved? Or will it just develop into bigger problems?

  3. Haha and I thought Pricilla was a bus carrying three transvestites to Darwin!

  4. Alice Springs actually! And one of them was a transsexual. Pedantic, moi? Actually I thought Priscilla was Elvis's ex-wife. Keep those Priscillas coming, folks!
