So, some of the things I'm grateful for:
- Being fit and healthy at the age of 71 (apart from slight hypertension and a trace of prostate cancer)
- Having visited some beautiful cities and countries (Australia, the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy - with New Zealand coming up in January)
- Having lived with a smart, amusing, supportive and independent-minded partner for the last 35 years
- A windfall from my mum which helped us buy our present house
- Having met so many interesting, quirky, unusual and surprising people
- Having had so many enjoyable, challenging and worthwhile jobs
- Living in a country that's relatively peaceful, democratic and prosperous (apart from the Troubles, that is)
- The natural world, with all its astonishing plants, rivers, beaches, landscapes and wildlife
- Everyone who has helped me out in a crisis and got me back on track
- All the public services, from the NHS to education, welfare benefits, pensions and national parks
- Always having enough money and never being on the breadline
- Always having a home and never being homeless
- The internet and all the wonderful people I've met through Facebook and blogging
- Everyone who has opened my mind to new ideas and new viewpoints
- Never having to worry about sharks, crocodiles or poisonous snakes
- Rock music, books, films and art
- Never being caught in an earthquake, a bushfire or a flood
- Being able to read and write
- The freedom not to follow a religion
- Not being an angry, self-righteous bully like my (late) father
No doubt there are things I've missed out, things so obvious I take them for granted. But I like the idea of a regular roll-call of gratitude. It reminds me that the world isn't as horrible as I sometimes paint it.