She offered me a herbal tea and an oatmeal cookie as I reclined in the well-padded armchair among a dense thicket of overgrown pot plants.
Nick: I'm afraid that I'm afraid of the future.
Melissa: Don't be silly. You can't be afraid of something so unbounded, so intangible. It's like being afraid of the weather, or speech, or a blank sheet of paper. You can only be afraid of something specific. Like spiders. Or flying.
Nick: But I'm afraid I'll be overtaken by some awful disaster in five years' time.
Melissa: Then you're just afraid of disaster. That's natural enough. But you're not afraid of some wonderful pleasure in five years' time, are you?
Nick: No, of course not.
Melissa: In fact, you must think pleasure is a lot more likely than catastrophe?
Nick: I suppose so.
Melissa: Well then, you're just a sunny optimist with occasional fits of pessimism. You allow for the very realistic possibility that you can't have pleasure 100 per cent of the time. Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes they go very wrong. That's life, baby.
Nick: I guess you're right.
Melissa: Of course really you're just afraid of yourself. You're afraid of your inability to cope with any disaster that comes along. You're afraid of your own inadequacy, your own helplessness, your own confusion.
Nick: I'd never thought of it like that.
Melissa: Well, that's what I'm here for. I've seen a thousand tortured souls like yours. I know what's going on in your murky unconscious. I can unravel the tangled strands, lead you out of the psychic morass, restore clarity of thought.
Nick: What would I do without you?
Melissa: I shudder to think. That'll be £100 plus VAT. Mastercard as usual?
Nick: Cheap at the price.
I skipped happily down the front steps, the heavy burden lifted from my shoulders. All at once a rosy future beckoned.
A new British survey says almost one person in five has consulted a counsellor or psychotherapist. Some 95% of those polled believe it is a good idea to seek counselling or psychotherapy for a problem before it gets out of hand, while 88% thought people might be happier as a result of doing so. Some 88% believe counselling and psychotherapy should be available to all on the NHS. This is a huge change in attitudes from six years ago.